TooManyTargets AWS NLB
On AWS EKS, loadbalancer’s are created by setting the the service type to LoadBalancer. Each port defined on the service will be associated with a TargetGroup. Each TargetGroup will be associated with an Node (EC2 instance) within the cluster. AWS NLB has target limit of 500, so if you have 10 ports and 51 nodes in your eks cluster you will quickly pass the limit on an NLB.
The service will report the following error event:
TooManyTargets: You cannot have more than 500 targets per network load balancer per Availability Zone
A way around this is to not use every node as target within the cluster. This can be done by attaching labels to nodes which can act as targets. This can be done when creating the nodegroup for example:
aws eks create-nodegroup \
--cluster-name my-cluster \
--nodegroup-name ingress-only-ng \
--labels allow-ingress=true \
--node-role <node-instance-role> \
--subnets <subnet-1> <subnet-2> ...
AWS ALB controller provides an annotation that should be placed on the service.
1 "allow-ingress=true"
Kubectl example:
kubectl patch svc my-service -n my-ns -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"allow-ingress=true"}}}'
Now the only nodes with allow-ingress=true labels will be targets within the target groups.